Breaking Taboos: Men's Health, Hypnotherapy, and the Pharmacy Revolution

Welcome to Inspired Men Talk! In this episode, we chat with Claire Noyell, a solution-focused hypnotherapist and pharmacist. Claire shares her journey from a 30-year career in pharmacy to hypnotherapy, emphasising the transformative power of solution-focused therapy. She discusses the changing dynamics in pharmacies, the role of pharmacists in mental health, and how men can better access healthcare services.

Key Topics:
  • Claire’s transition from pharmacy to hypnotherapy
  • The evolving role of pharmacies and pharmacists
  • Over-the-counter Viagra and men’s comfort levels
  • Importance of early intervention in health issues
  • Encouraging men to speak up about their health
  • Pharmacy First initiative and its benefits
  • Claire’s advice for men on utilising pharmacy services effectively
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Outro: Thank you for tuning in! Remember, men do talk, and we can break the stigma around health and wellness together. Join us next time for more inspiring conversations.

Breaking Taboos: Men's Health, Hypnotherapy, and the Pharmacy Revolution
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